As some users have probably noticed, we have been struggling to ingest Sentinel-1 data in our web portals lately: download speeds from our usual provider were already a bottleneck in the past, forcing us to process data only in a selection of areas, but these speeds have dropped down dramatically near the end of August, up to the point where it took us more time to fetch the data than it took the satellite to acquire them.

As we were unable to keep up, we decided to stop the ingestion of Sentinel-1 data at the end of October and to look for another solution. And… Here it is!

Thanks to the sponsorship of the ESA Network of Resources we have been able to transfer our processing chains on Creodias, where we can access Sentinel-1 data in a timely manner: no more bottleneck, which means less delays… and global data!

Please note that the data processed on Creodias will appear as new products in the Syntool portals:

Up to 31st October 2021, the products remain the same as before,
  • no distinction between Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B in Syntool
  • data are processed only for a selection of areas
  • we processed SAR roughness only for Level-1 GRD products in IW and EW sensor modes (VV or HH polarisation)

Starting 1st November 2021,
  • we distinguish Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-1B data
  • we process wind speed and direction for all Level-2 OCN products
  • we process SAR roughness for Level-1 GRD products in IW, EW and SM sensor modes (VV or HH polarisation) that are returned by Creodias Finder when looking for the "water" keyword

We will prioritize the processing of NRT data so you can have new acquisitions as soon as possible, but we will also progressively ingest the backlog between 1st November and today.

Enjoy :)

Some screenshots of yesterday's data available in the OVL portal (

Sentinel-1A SAR roughness (

Sentinel-1B SAR roughness (

Sentinel-1A wind speed (

Sentinel-1B wind speed (
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