SMOS Pilot Mission Exploitation Platform (Pi-MEP) for Salinity
The Pi-MEP SMOS Salinity is a recent initiative to support and widen the uptake of ESA SMOS data over ocean. The Pi-MEP for Salinity has a twofold motivation:
- To serve as an enhanced validation platform, complementing and expanding the efforts of the SMOS Expert Support Laboratories (ESLs) through, for example, exploring satellite performances at different spatial/temporal scales, applying different filtering criteria, or verifying SMOS outputs against various ground-truth data;
- To offer a testbed to enable oceanographic process studies in different domains, capitalizing on SMOS salinity data in synergy with additional satellite products (e.g., SST, WS, currents, rain estimates). The platform will offer a series of statistical and computational tools in a user-oriented scientific environment to foster an increased uptake of SMOS salinity data in combination with other relevant oceanographic parameters
If interested please visit Pi-MEP project web site or Pi-MEP data exploration portal https://pimep.oceandatalab.com