1st Training Course on Multi Sensor Synergy - Sopot - POLAND - Nov. 17, 2015
by Cecile SALAUN

The Ocean Virtual Laboratory project is organising a Multi-Sensor Synergy Training, focused on introducing new, efficient ways of satellite data processing and exploitation. Participants will get strong background in remote sensing, learn how to obtain and work with data from the state-of-art operational space missions.Objectives
To discover and analyse, via the OVL platform, the synergy between various Ocean remote sensing datasets in the context of model output (both oceanic and atmospheric) and in-situ data.Lecturers
Dr. Fabrice COLLARD, Dr. Anton KOROSOV, Dr. Graham QUARTLY and Pr. Mirek DARECKIDefinive Program:
8:45 - 9:00 : Registration9:00 - 10:30 :
General introduction
Introduction about Ocean Color (30')
Introduction to the different ocean remote sensing instruments (30')
introduction to altimetry(30')
30 min break
11:00-12:30 : practical demonstration of the OVL data discovery and visualisation tool (1h30)
14:30 - 16:00 : Introduction to Python and IPython Notebook (1h30)30 min break
16:30 -18:00 : practical training on the analysis of the synergy between microwave,
optical and IR satellite observations (1h30)
The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 30 students and subject to selection of application.Students wishing to participate can apply by clicking here or by filling this form and sending it to training-course.sopot-2015nobotplease oceandatalab.com
Applications must be sent as soon as possible.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail.
Target group
Post graduate, PhD students, post doctoral research scientists from European countries and Canada.Research scientists and students from all other countries are also welcome to apply up to the space availability limits.
Practical info
Participants are expected to finance their own travel and accommodation expenses.All materials will be provided, however participants need to bring their own laptops.
No participation fees will be charged for the training.
The official language of the course is English.
Organizing committee:
Craig Donlon (ESA)Fabrice Collard (ODL)
Cécile Salaun (ODL)
Mirosław Darecki (IOPAN)
Marta Konik (IOPAN)
Co-sponsors :
European Space Agency (ESA)Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN)
Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, Poland, P.O. Box 148
Phone: (+48 58) 551 72 81, (+48 58) 73 11 600
Fax: (+48 58) 551 21 30
E-mail: office@iopan.gda.pl