Syntool is an open source web solution aiming at promoting the synergistic use of Ocean Remote Sensing data in a wider context of Oceanic and Atmospheric models or in-situ data.

You can have a look at the Syntool Web portals:

ESA/SEOM Ocean Virtual Laboratory portal
EU FP7 SWARP (wave in ice) portal
ESA/CNES SWOT cal/val portal
ESA Ocean acidification portal
ESA Sea Surface Salinity portal
ESA World Ocean Circulation portal
ESA Marine Atmosphere eXtreme Satellite Synergy portal
Realtime buoys tracking portal
DRIFT4SKIM airborne/in-situ campaign in Nov 2018
SUMOS airborne/in-situ campaign in Feb/March 2021

To discover more functionalities, please click on the ? How to button on the upper right corner


Introduction to the OVL Web Client interface and basic functionalities
by Dr.fab (OceanDataLab)

Introduction to the OVL Web Client
by Marta Konik and Miroslaw Darecki (IOPAN)

Ocean Virtual Laboratory demonstration
by Anton Korosov and Rick Danielson (NERSC)

This video shows how the OVL web application lets you compare between
a large variety of collocated data (drifters, profilers, altimetry, SAR and
composite satellite data) and see how they complement each
other to provide a more accurate view of a scene.

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